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Who are we?

MuSé is first and foremost a team of passionate enthusiasts dedicated to safeguarding Belgium's road heritage.
At MuSé, you'll feel transported to a whole new world. Get your fill of culture thanks to our collections, built up little by little thanks to our partners and others. Ever since we first came up with the idea of building this rather unusual museum, we've been committed to enriching the lives of everyone who visits our space.
To continue to captivate our regular visitors, we regularly organise fascinating exhibitions and events, and develop original fun activities for young and old alike. We look forward to seeing you soon in our wonderful museum, where you can always learn something new!
The Museum of Road Signs and Street Lighting is under the patronage of:

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Our partners:
-Towns and cities: Trooz, Chaudfontaine, Saint-Nicolas, Chièvres, Seraing, Charleroi, La Bresse (France)
-Le SPW (Service Public de Wallonie) "Mobilité et Infrastructures"
-La SOFICO (Société de Financement Complémentaire)
-Jacobs SA (Grâce-Hollogne)
-Yvan Paque Eiffage (Rocourt)
-Genetec (Namur)
-Mobix (Manage)
-Signaroute (Andenne)
-Liberty Steel (Flémalle)
-Groute Wanty (Binche)
-ORES (Wallonie Picarde)
-Graphicad (Trooz)
-Fagnoul Soudure (Sprimont)
-Arcicom (Ans)
-SA Borgoumont (Andrimont)
-Potters Industries (Fleurus)
-Engie Electrabel (Tihange)
-Louis Frésart Jardin (Trooz)
-Mathieu Entreprises (Bastogne)
-Hydrogaz (Grâce-Hollogne)
-Virage Signalisation (Ciney)
-Elecflo (Les Boscailles)
-Pierre T, Xavier B, Martin D, Philippe

Our missions

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Since Le MuSé was created in August 2021, we have continued to expand our cultural offering. Every year, our Museum grows, and with it our ability to put on ever more exciting exhibitions and events. We love to share our passion and pass on our knowledge. Our mission is to make every visit to the MuSé a captivating and enriching experience.
The MuSé brings together several collections of objects belonging to Belgium's road heritage. It seeks to preserve these materials from any deterioration or elimination; it also strives to restore all the items in its possession. MuSé's collections are made accessible to the widest possible audience, while at the same time providing historical information for the purposes of education and cultural enrichment.
In addition to exhibiting its collections, the MuSé has several essential missions:
-systematic research into Belgian road equipment that is doomed to disappear
educating the public about road-related concepts
-disseminating scientific and technical information
-supporting historical research into this special heritage
-preserving a specific Belgian heritage
-educating younger generations through original educational initiatives
-exchange with other associations and individuals sharing the same objectives

Our history

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The Museum of Road Signs and Street Lighting was created in the aftermath of the floods that hit Trooz in July 2021, and its main aim is to play an active part in the rebirth of the town. It aims to make available to as many people as possible an impressive collection of objects directly related to the road environment: road signs, illuminated signs, road markings and street lighting, from 1900 to the present day. The MuSé's development is part of a civic-minded approach, serving the community and working in partnership with the authorities (the municipality of Trooz, among others).
Take a close look at the MuSé logo. As well as being the result of collaborative work with a local screen printer, it is displayed in French and Dutch. For the MuSé, it's a powerful tribute to the generous help given to Trooz by the people of northern Belgium during the floods.

Our privileged partners

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Some MuSé activities are organised with the help of Ma Balise, communication with an NFC Tag or a QR Code. Use your mobile phone to select an NFC Tag or QR Code dedicated to a specific theme to obtain specific information (in four languages: French, Dutch, German and English) or to solve the riddles at MuSé.
A quick visit is in order:

Virage Signalisation was quick to join the MuSé sponsors. Located in Ciney, Virage Signalisation specializes in the manufacture, sale and installation of road signage. Founded in 2005, Virage takes charge of the entire signage installation chain, from computer design and workshop manufacture to field installation. Virage Signalisation contributes its expertise to the development of MuSé's activities.

The Schréder Group, the world's leading independent supplier of outdoor lighting solutions, aims to change everyday life, to support local authorities and to transform the territory, towns and cities and the planet. It is an honour for Schréder to become a sponsor of the MuSé in June 2024.

ACLIMEX - LED in Liège is a supplier of robust and efficient solutions for Belgian public lighting: the communicative enthusiasm with which the team manages its museum won us over and made us want to play a practical part in expanding its exhibition and supporting its efforts to raise awareness of this exciting sector: Behind the technical solutions that have been validated to improve our day-to-day lives, there are people with a wide range of expertise working towards this goal...: we are all passionate about the challenge of making our roads safer... or even smarter! We're all part of THE solution, including the general public! Have a safe journey.

Created in 1994 by the Walloon Government, the SOciété de FInancement COplémentaire des infrastructures is responsible for completing the main missing links in the Walloon network. Since 2002, Sofico has been developing the Walloon fibre optic network, and in 2010 it became the contracting authority for the structuring road network. Sofico makes it possible to build infrastructure in record time, at lower cost and to maintain it in good condition over the long term. Through its partnership with the MuSé, Sofico is actively helping to conserve Belgium's road heritage by preserving the old equipment deployed on our roads, as well as ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained in good condition over the long term.

Since its creation, the MuSé has been able to count on a highly talented electrician... Every time the MuSé comes up with an idea based on electricity, Elecflo finds THE solution to give new life to the old equipment on display for visitors. Thanks to this innovative approach, Elecflo allows visitors to take ownership of their visit by actively participating in the demonstrative operation of signals, illuminated panels, work lanterns, traffic lights, dynamic signals, etc. By developing cutting-edge technologies, Elecflo also enables MuSé to offer unique and original events (dynamic signage, for example).

There's strength in numbers...

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March 2024: a number of road heritage enthusiasts decided to join forces to form a group of European road heritage associations from different countries. While this grouping is symbolic, it seeks to circulate general information between sister institutions and associations. We share our ideas, suggestions, projects, questions and various experiences. The group currently comprises: CIERE (France), Lights of Belgium (Belgium), EG/EP France, EG/EP Belgium and MuSé (Belgium). The "links" section of this site gives you access to these associations and sites. We hope you enjoy your visit.

The MuSé team

MuSé has had its own legal personality in the form of a "non-profit association (asbl)" since 28 March 2024. The full articles of association can be consulted at this link:


Pierre-Alain Michel, Trooz

Founder of MuSé asbl
"Road signs"
Web Master


Robin Stappaerts, Nijlen

"Backlit signalling"

Florent Zanders, Les Boscailles



Dominique Douette, Hannut
"Public lighting"


Xavier Benoit, Trooz
"Technical and support services"

Nathan Wilquem, Beloeil
"Photometry streetlignts"


Le MuSé asbl

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Siège social:
Rue au Thier 17 - 4870 Trooz

© 2023 par Le MuSé, Pierre-Alain MICHEL

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