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Rescue of "Ponts et Chaussées" signs
RN 61 - Flooding in July 2021
October 2021

The catastrophic floods of July 2021 caused enormous damage to infrastructure.
Road signs consisting of G2000 panels almost completely disappeared along the RN 61. Others, however, of the "bridges and carriageways" type, were found in the places where they had been installed in 1985. This is the case for the two signs shown here: one on the Prayon bridge on the downstream side ("La Vesdre") and the other on the Chaudfontaine swimming pool bridge (B1 sign, upside-down triangle).


A written request to make the equipment available to the MuSé was sent to SPW Mobility and Infrastructure. Once agreement had been obtained, an expedition was organised to save the material. It was certain that these road signs would have been destroyed during the major clean-up works planned in the Vesdre valley.


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Rue au Thier 17 - 4870 Trooz

© 2023 par Le MuSé, Pierre-Alain MICHEL

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